The roles have mainly been within communication, marketing and sales. As a salesperson and communicator, Pål has been to many exciting industries within goods and service sales, in addition to organizational work.
Through several years as a course leader and communicator for large and small groups, Pål has built up solid experience and expertise for people who, for various reasons, want change in their current situation. From individuals and couples who need a push in the right direction, or just a chat to vent their thoughts. For salespeople and managers in the business world who need to take some new steps, get the team to create results, or simply to create a better culture in the workplace.
Pål is certified in the use of the Persolog person factor model, and has delivered course and coaching services for a number of different companies. Mainly within sales, motivation and personal development. Pål's courses and lectures are often characterized by humor and energy, based on solid professional expertise. Knowledge is better received with a dose of laughter.
"The course that Pål had for the Marita Foundation's employees was not only inspiring and educational - it was also fun! Recommended."
Leif O. Holstad
General Secretary Maritastiftelsen
"Pål Pedersen's communication course motivates our employees and increases awareness that we are all salespeople. It increases team spirit. job well-being and improves the company's results. Pål makes the course engaging and the points fit well. He has good insight and extensive experience. We highly recommend the course. You will be impressed!"
Cato S. Kolstad, CEO
Meditek medical equipment AS
"I have used Pål several times as a course instructor and he has a fantastic ability to deliver interesting and relevant courses in a fun and educational way. He possesses a lot of business knowledge, which I would like to reap more of."
Karl Richard Dybvik
General Manager Ekstralys AS
"I had a conversation with Pål during a phase in my life where I was struggling to move on. He helped me to look at challenges and problems with new eyes. It gave me a new perspective and courage. New doors opened and I moved on into what I wanted."