In some cases it is a bad and a good person in a relationship that breaks up, but from experience it is mostly two good people who don't make it, and very often communication is the reason. Either there is poor communication, or there is a lack of communication.

Our communication course for couples is not a normal marriage course, it is a course where the focus is on us as different people communicating in different ways.

Before we meet, both receive an e-mail in which both answer some questions for a behavioral analysis. You can't make mistakes here, it's just a survey of who you are. You will be given this answer on the course. It is also confidential, only you and your partner can see it.

There is otherwise no sharing in plenary or group assignments on the course. We emphasize that this is a process you go through together.

The course runs over three evenings, or three sessions. This can be adapted based on the setting. Much of the focus is understanding my own behavior and communication, and how it fits in with my partner. The goal is that you travel home together with a better understanding of each other and with some tools that will make the way forward together less conflict-filled.

Ensure the quality of your relationship with a course in couple communication

This is not a course for couples who are in crisis, but rather couples who want to ensure the quality of their relationship. Invest in ensuring that the prerequisites for you to stay together are present. Perfect gift for someone getting married or deciding to move in together.

Do you have questions about the course?

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