It is an exciting process when you have to go from being a group of people to becoming a team. A group of people such as a group of friends consists of different people who, with their personalities and differences, make the group colorful. In order to preserve the friendship, it is often the case that some have to be taken in smaller doses, and others are better tolerated. But to preserve the friendship, it is a lot about give and take.

When you want to change a group into a team, it's no longer just about tolerating each other. Now we have to map out differences and find what the individual is strong at, and where one is not so skilled. Then you have to get this team to complement each other, play each other well and together see the team win. A common definition of a team is that "two or more people are interdependent on each other to achieve a common goal."

Differences that can be experienced as an irritation and challenge will now be seen as a strength, and something that complements the team, and makes the team stronger to master the challenges the team is set to solve.

A survey with the Persolog behavior profile is a good starting point for finding the team members' strengths and weaknesses. Once that has been done, we can move on with goal setting and a progress plan.

I can help you become a good team

By mapping strengths and weaknesses, you can find a way to play each other well and together reach a common goal.


"I have used Pål several times as a course instructor and he has a fantastic ability to deliver interesting and relevant courses in a fun and educational way. He possesses a lot of business knowledge, which I would like to gain more of."

Karl Richard Dybvik, Managing Director Ekstralys AS.

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